Sunday, 10 May 2015


Our world started with a cry of life which before existed as a silent, serene , lonely world where we were not aware of our own existence and the world beyond was just another fairy tale.
Thinking about the world in which we were developed and the universe surround it , the resources that nurtured us indeed fascination.

The life beyond the womb was unimaginable. The womb of life was dark and soft , the amniotic fluid kept us swaying here and there just like the astronauts float around in zero gravity environment.

Human has this tendency to push on discover new things , try to take a "small step for man and making a giant leap for mankind" , the urge to move on reach beyond unknown and the anxiety to explore in the utter darkness of space and womb has made civilization of the modern world culturing new dreams.

The lone world that we spent in the womb was the time for us to learn to dream of the unknown which has made many thinkers who have left their mark in both of the universe that they lived and developed in. And taking the first breath was not so easy as it seemed to be. Here are our instincts which come into picture.
Instincts our built in hardware which does work at the time of need, this has made our life possible through a very long series of evolution surviving 5 big mass extinctions, which proves we have the capability the very basic instinct to survive.

  But whether it is our mothers womb or our universe we are still in search of life forms keeping our eyes closed and waiting for any sort of response that we would get in return of the actions that have been performed,

And finally the time has come for the civilization to leave the world that we know as it is today and take new breath in another world , a new cry of joy is what is now desired.

It is well said by Prof. Carl Sagan"we are made of star stuff",..........
And that is were we are destined to reach.....

Wonder what we would create before leaving this world..

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